Unfortunately the Elton John project is cancelled due to the worldwide situation.
Stay tuned to be with us when we will do this concert on a new date.
Thanks for your support!
Celebrating the songs of Elton John with the Mark Zander Big Band…
… we ar pleased to announce a beautiful project in cooperation with Europa-Park, Germany. On July, 10th Mark will be playing a concert celebrating the songs of pop icon Sir Elton John. This will take place with his 12 members big band open air in the Colosseo, Europa-Park.
Stay tuned and save the date…
Long time no see…
I haven’t been active in my blog during the last 2 years… I was posting more on markzandermusic on facebook.
Recently I was proud having been part of the international show TRUE COLORS
Happy New Year to everyone…
listen to me singing in german in this demo … and may all your nights in 2016 be silent and good…
Triptych IV
December 6th 2011 my father died two days before his 68th birthday.
Triptych IV concentrates on my process of letting him go…
The album “Triptych” consists of 4 triptychs (12 songs) plus one extra song in the center of it.
IV Sometimes the storm of life hits us right in our face. Everything changes from one second to the other. Why us? Why now? We start fighting against the unbeatable. Then pain, sorrow, anger and fear paralyze us. It hurts so much. So so much. „Now it‘s going to eat me up, it‘s going to eat me up, it‘s going to eat me up inside.“ But real heroes are the ones who carry on. Letting go is without any alternative. Walk slow, stop, turn around, smile and move on. – Struggle/Pain/Farewell
Listen to the shortcut of Triptych IV: Struggle Pain Farewell
Triptych III
The album “Triptych” consists of 4 triptychs (12 songs) plus one extra song in the center of it.
Listen to the shortcut of Triptych III: Hope/Reality/Experience
III Still I hope for love. Still I want to focus on what there is instead of on what there isn‘t. Can I change my expectations? Can you change yours? „Look to the things we‘ve got. Don‘t fear my foolish heart. Come hold my gentle hand, anyway it‘s a rainy day.“ But there is also that inner voice that made me leave, that couldn‘t cope with the day-to-day challenges. Insanitiy of normality? Insanity of reality? „I feel sorry for the day I‘ll say Goodbye. I know I‘ll hurt you.“ And finally there is the in-between. In-between longing and letting go. In-between leaving and beiing left. In-between strengh and weakness. „Hold me close. Set me free.“ – Hope/Reality/Experience
Triptych II
The album “Triptych” consists of 4 triptychs (12 songs) plus one extra song in the center of it.
Listen to the shortcut of Triptych II: Mirrors/Crimes/Delusions
II The free people who choose permanently refine their taste. They want to avoid anything disappointing. They want to find the formerly blissful again; whether it is wine, movies or other people. Infinity is always the infinity of the bad. People don‘t want to waste any more time. They have already wasted too much. They have already been disappointed too many times. They want to protect themselves. „Generation of the free, willing, craving, you and me.“ Furthermore people kill people in order to reach their own goals. Black stories pave their way. Is it really bad to be bad? Who is going to succeed in the end? „This ain‘t a story of heaven and glory. It‘s a tale of a veiled vagary.“ So, what is the world we‘re living in like? How do we construct our lives, our careers, our relationships? What prices do we pay? What prices do we make others pay? How honest are we with ourselves? „Delusions? Not because of me…“ – Mirrors/Crimes/Delusions
Triptych I
The album “Triptych” consists of 4 triptychs (12 songs) plus one extra song in the center of it.
Listen to the shortcut of Triptych I: Sight/Euphoria/Love
Triptych I: Sight/Euphoria/Love
I „…but what on earth I should do when I caught sight of you?“ At first you were the one I just wanted to be with. You were the one. But it seemed like it was not meant to be. And then, years after, we conquered the world. I conquered a new world. There were one million little things to do. „Thousand steps to chase and search for, hoping, finding, landing on shore“. Enough power to do it all. And when it all settled down there was the wave. There was love. Real, true and calm love. „Let your mind relax and the wave unchain you.“ – Sight/Euphoria/Love